Welcome to our play room!

Luna y Cielo is located in Logan Square, on Armitage & Drake

Logan Square is where Vanessa grew up and she is excited to be able to bring something back to her roots growing up on the northside. Logan Square used to be a predominantly Latino neighborhood with blue-collar workers and has slowly begun to change over the last decade. You will see many different Central and South American cultures represents around LyC. There are many different restaurants in the area including Puerto Rican, Dominican, Colombian and many more. .

Luna Y Cielo Play Cafe reserves field trips on Mondays to schools and daycare groups. Please be sure to call in advance to make sure we are open to the public.


About our Play Room

Our space was designed for children up to the age of about 6. But we recognize that we are the only culturally relevant playroom in Chicago and older children may still want to play in our space. If your child is still interested in imaginative play we welcome their curious minds.

For those older siblings who are tagging along, we have a reading nook in our lounge area and will eventually add more items for the older crowd.


Open Play Hours

Monday - Friday
9am to 2:00pm (Starting April 1st, 2024)

Saturday 9am - 1pm

Sunday 9am-11am

Starting June 3rd we will be closed to the public to focus on our camps

Reservations are strongly recommended. We will start with rolling admissions which means that we will have reservations which begin every 30 minutes.  Each 30 minute interval will allow for a certain number of registrations/people to enter and each reservations will be for 2 hours. 

We want to make sure that when you make the trip to our space, there will be no disappointing surprises.  We know many families are traveling from far and would not want for you to arrive to find out there is no space available for you and your family.